BLUESIGN is a holistic system that provides solutions in sustainable processing and manufacturing to industries and brands. Based on strict criteria, auxiliary material and services are developed to support the company specifically in its sustainable development. As an independent authority, BLUESIGN checks the progress that a company has made in this effort, provides continual further… Read more »
Category: News
Climbing Lingo For Gumbies

Walking into the gym for the first time and meeting the over zealous desk staff, as they set you up with your gear it dawns on you that you might not know what you’re in for. It seems simple enough, just go up right? While you’re putting on your shoes that are probably two sizes… Read more »
Ice Climbing in a Junkyard

I never understood the draw to ice climbing. Yes it looks invigorating in photos but think about it. Who in their right mind chooses to go out in the freezing cold to hang out on a big slab of ice, and in places with names like Junkyard? Nonetheless you have to try everything once right?… Read more »
Bouldering at Buddha

Bouldering at Buddha Bouldering in the winter can seem daunting and unconventional. We often use these cold seasons to embrace alternative forms of climbing. Digging out crampons and axes from the depths of gear piles we layer up and head out towards bold new objectives. For climbers who haven’t procured the necessary knowledge or who… Read more »
Onward and Upward

This week the CWA posted an article “Onward and Upward”. They discuss the obstacles that gyms have faced over the last year, how we have overcome and continue to push forwards as a community. It features our very own Walson Tai along with three other gym owners across Canada and the United States. They discuss… Read more »
A Climbers Best Friend

A Climbers Best Friend Like many people, the first thing I do before hopping on the wall is chalk up. Whether it’s due to hot temperatures and sweaty hands or that chalking up has become a ritualistic behavior, it is something that brings comfort and confidence to my climbing. With gyms adapting and putting new measures… Read more »
Cacthing Up with Grzegorz Florek and Zak McGurk
Over the holidays we had a chance to talk to Zak and Grzegorz about the challenges of sending outdoor climbing projects during the pandemic, as well as show us the new Boreal line of shoes.
MoonBoard at CCC Stronghold

The Calgary Climbing Centre is proud to announce the arrival of a MoonBoard at the Stronghold Location. What is a MoonBoard?
How to Get Started

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